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‘I'll be more grateful for the visits!’: what happened when an agent and a BDM swapped jobs?

Tipto organised an agent-supplier job swap between independent agent Shaun Taylor and Holiday Extras’ Leanne Cross – here’s what they both learned from the eye-opening experience.

Shaun Taylor and Leanne Cross
Shaun Taylor and Leanne Cross spent a day experiencing each other's working lives

Shaun’s job

"I am owner of Inspire Travel by Shaun, an independent travel agency with two high street stores in Bourne and Holbeach in Lincolnshire. Daily routines include researching and booking customer holidays, refreshing store windows with new offers, putting up social media posts and general shop/business admin. I am also chair for the Eastern region for the Abta Council of Regions and act as the channel of communication between members in my region and the Abta board of directors. I also have a 17-month-old baby so am a busy person!"       

Leanne’s job

"As retail development manager for Holiday Extras, I’m responsible for supporting the wonderful agents across North England, Scotland, the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland. On Mondays, I work from home, which includes trading calls with Holiday Extras and our external partners, sending out trading reports to the retail estate, planning future visits, booking hotels, handling admin tasks, and catching up on anything I couldn’t tackle while on the road. The rest of the week, I’m out visiting agents, attending regional or business meetings, and empowering teams to ensure they feel confident in selling our products."

Shaun’s day shadowing Leanne’s role

"I spent the day on the road with Leanne visiting local stores to discuss their performance with Holiday Extras and to see if they needed any additional support going forward. We also checked that they were familiar with all the products and asked if they needed any additional training on anything that Holiday Extras offer. We also ran through current promotions and incentives to ensure the agents were aware and getting everything they are entitled to.


"It was interesting to learn how much admin Leanne does in the day that is not related to the store visits, lots of issues such as log-in problems that must be actioned immediately and when you are on the road it can be very difficult to get a good mobile signal to be able to reply straight away.  She also must make time to send out lots of performance update emails every day."

Shaun Taylor and Leanne Cross visit Holiday Dreams Spalding
Shaun shadows Leanne's visit to Holiday Dreams in Spalding

"I did not really appreciate how flexible you have to be as you never know what the day is going to bring. Traffic can be a real challenge and time can easily run away. Shops being busy as well can mean you have to rearrange your schedule on the fly and go back to them later in the day if possible. 


"I will always going forward be more grateful for BDM visits and welcome them with open arms as they are really trying to help you and increase your own knowledge which can only be a good thing. I learnt that some agents are more receptive to your visit and there’s less appreciation from others, which is difficult, especially if you have travelled a long way to see them.


"I would definitely encourage other agents to do a job swap as it puts a different perspective on your own job seeing the ‘other side’. It makes you understand that there is a lot more that goes on with suppliers that you do not see. I could not believe for example that Holiday Extras employs more than 900 people at its UK head office and has lots more in different parts of the world.


"One fun fact I learnt is that Leanne now always ensures she drinks only water in the car and not coffee as unfortunate spills have happened just before visits! Her trusty suitcase full of Holiday Extras goodies goes with her everywhere. She recently got married in May and had a wonderful honeymoon in Mauritius."

Shaun Taylor
Shaun has a taste of life on the road – with an always full car boot

Leanne’s day shadowing Shaun’s role

"I had the pleasure of spending the day at Inspire by Shaun. It’s been 11 years since I sat behind a desk in an agency, and it was fantastic to be part of a team again and chat with customers.


"The day started with updating the window offers, and I was amazed at how much things have changed since my time as an agent. Suppliers now send their best offers directly to the store, and websites like allow you to personalise, print and share offers to social media, making it much quicker than the old process of searching Viewdata for hours!


"The store was busy all day, highlighting the growing demand for high street presence. Customers now do their research online, virtually experiencing the holiday, but still turn to their trusted agent to book rather than flipping through brochures.


"Shaun and his team know their customers on a personal level, which was evident when locals stopped to chat with him outside his store. This happened in both towns where his stores are located, and it’s clear that Shaun is becoming a pillar of the community, driving business to his stores. The loyalty of his customers is a testament to the time and care his team puts into building these relationships."

Leanne Cross
Leanne answers the phone in Inspire Travel by Shaun in Bourne

"The day ended with balancing their very busy bureau and securing the cash before closing up. My day as an agent reminded me of the extra admin involved, such as printing documents, invoices and tickets – customers still appreciate having something physical in their hands, even in this digital age. Despite Shaun’s loyal customer base and being the only agent in town, he still faces competition from apps and online platforms, emphasising the need for price parity and allowing customers to choose who they book with.


"I also gained a deeper understanding of why it can be challenging for agents to make time for suppliers if they turn up unannounced (I always let the agent know I’m coming). Enquiries now come through social media and WhatsApp as well as in person, so even when the store looks quiet, chances are they’re busy behind the scenes.


"I would do a job swap again in a heartbeat! I loved my time with Shaun and his team, and it was a great opportunity to solidify our supplier/agent relationship. I encourage anyone to experience things from the other side.


"Oh, and I learnt that Shaun is a keen AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego) and has fantastic models of ships and aircraft in the store window, creating interest and serving as a great focal point!"

Tipto explained

Now in its 26th year, Tipto (Truly Independent Professional Travel Organisation) has 23 supplier members for agents to meet and learn from across a variety of different event formats, online activities and training. At Tipto's roadshow events, agents can meet up to 12 suppliers via a fun and interactive speed-dating style set-up. SuperShow events offer the opportunity to meet all 23 Tipto suppliers in an exhibition format with entertainment on stage. And Tipto's training events offer a half-day in-depth training session with up to eight suppliers offering detailed training in a classroom-style environment. All Tipto events include a substantial meal and refreshments.


Agents wanting to learn more about Tipto, complete online supplier training modules or attend a face-to-face event should visit or follow the Facebook group Tipto for Travel Agents.

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