As lockdown eases Joanna Chatterton, partner and head of the employment team at Fox Williams, explains the steps travel businesses should take to ensure a safe return to work for all
The government’s success in persuading everyone to stay at home will present employers with the considerable challenge of opening up workplaces in an acceptably safe manner and in persuading everyone that it’s safe to come back.
Here I explain the key steps travel businesses should take to ensure that the eventual return of staff to the workplace proceeds smoothly and in compliance with the law.
Many employers are already re-opening their workplaces. There is an opportunity to learn from their experiences. Make use of business forums and the news to help you formulate your approach.
Employers’ health and safety duties are set out in legislation and in common law (case law). The overarching principle is that employers must take reasonable care for the safety of their employees but this does not mean liability for everything that goes wrong.
Employers owe duties under the common law to protect the health and wellbeing of their employees. These include ensuring a safe place of work and a safe system of work.
Breach of these duties can result in compensation claims for injury or illness but they are not absolute in nature. What is “reasonable” will vary depending on the circumstances. In the current context, “what is reasonable” is the big unanswered question, but case law suggests:
The principal legislation (but not the only one) which sets out the framework within which employers must operate is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This requires employers to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees, and to enact a written health and safety policy as to how this is to be achieved. There are criminal penalties for employers and individual directors or managers who are culpable.
The statutory duties also extend to the requirement to provide protective equipment, possibly including face masks. If employees do not obey instructions to take precautions such as hand washing or the use of safety equipment, the employer will not be liable for damage suffered by those employees as a result.
Central to these duties is a requirement for employers to carry out a risk assessment of the health and safety risks posed by Covid-19 in their workplace and to determine the reasonable measures that need to be taken to address risks identified. This requirement is applicable to all employers irrespective of their size.
This needs to be updated to set out the risks identified in the risk assessment and the measures that will be implemented to address them.
As to what reasonable steps should be taken, follow government guidance closely as it will be hard to criticise an employer who does. Specific guidance is now available for managing the return of those who work in various environments, including offices, shops and logistics.
Some of the key points on a safe return from the guidance are:
We recommend employers draft protocol for managing an outbreak of the disease in the office and their approach to testing and contact tracing.
The government has recently published guidance on testing. This is a fast-evolving area and so this will require regular updating. Everyone is also awaiting further news of the government’s proposed contact tracing smart phone app.
Ensure that an appropriately skilled member of staff is charged with monitoring government, Public Health England and World Health Organisation guidance and ensuring that risk assessments, health and safety policies and Covid-19 protocols are regularly updated and that the measures being adopted to manage Covid-19 risks are compliant with the official guidance in force at the time.
This will enable you to demonstrate after the event, if needed, that all reasonable steps were taken based on best advice available at the time. Invest time and effort in producing the documents we recommend and in documenting the reasons for adopting a specific policy or measure by reference to the government guidance in force (or other reliable guidance) at the time.
Keep every version of your key documents and a record of the dates on which they were in force. If there are good reasons for departing from the guidance record these and the basis for your interpretation of aspects of the guidance.
Consult and discuss working arrangements with employees. Employers should not underestimate the importance of keeping an open dialogue with their employees about the steps they are taking to protect the workforce against the virus.
The Health & Safety Executive has produced a useful guide to help employers with these discussions.
Many employers are preparing questionnaires to send to staff asking about their individual circumstances as a starting point for consulting with them about their return to the office.
Make sure all workers understand Covid-19 health and safety protocols and procedures by providing clear and consistent guidance and training materials.
For example: