Worcestershire-based InteleTravel agent and founder of Eden Voyage, Victoria Grieveson reveals how she has carved out a niche in travel and how she leverages local businesses to her advantage
Nearly three years. I started when I was finishing maternity leave and returning to my corporate job.
I had been looking for a job to fit in with my lifestyle as a new mum. I had a passion for travel but wasn’t sure how to break into the industry. When I heard about InteleTravel, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to give it a go without any major overheads or risk. It’s also a very non-pressurised environment and a big community.
Yes. I think you do need to focus on a particular area and really become an expert in it to have credibility. My speciality is premium luxury family travel. Having a young family who love to travel means I can provide invaluable insight into getting it right when travelling with little ones.
It’s like any other media – you need to work at it every day. About 80% of my business comes from Instagram and I find it to be the best medium because travel is so visual, but you just can’t sit back and hope for bookings. I have a dedicated Eden Voyage page which I update daily. I focus on hotel reviews and tours, my personal experiences and hotel hot lists. I engage with my audience by doing weekly polls. I try to get myself on “Instagram stories” each week because my clients are buying into a relationship with me and it’s important that they see me as the face behind the brand. I ask all clients to tag me in their Instagram posts and I send each new follower a personal message.
You need to find businesses that have a similar clientele to you and agree to share details or work on joint marketing campaigns. I work with high-end spas and wellness clinics and have featured in their newsletters because their clients are exactly the people who also go on luxury family holidays. I also make sure the local personal training studios have my card and I’m finalising a partnership with a sports management agency to provide a dedicated travel service for their members.
Trust in your suppliers and build relationships with them because they are the experts, and you can’t know everything. Be consistent – you need to constantly network and work on your brand. Be diligent in checking and rechecking details and communicating with hotels and clients prior to travel to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Be pro-active and have confidence in your abilities. It’s easy to become lazy working from home, but it’s on you to get into a good routine and ensure you’re being seen and heard.
Yes, or you can just drift. My plan is to expand my work with sports agencies and become even more upmarket, with a focus on quality rather than quantity. A plan gives you something to strive for and keeps you motivated.
That I have an easy job, travelling the world without having to work much. I wish that was true!
Just go for it! I wish I had got into this earlier. It has been the best move of my career and I have never been so passionate, motivated and happy in a job.