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Meet the Rep: Cosmos's Anna Hall

Anna Hall, account manager at Cosmos, talks sat nav mishaps, rocking out to old-school garage and unleashing her inner Freddie Mercury.

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Describe your typical week
It’s a mixture of commercial meetings, trading calls with head offices, agent training in-store or via webinar, supporting consultant events and conferences, and a host of other activities across the country.


How big is the sales team?
There are two account managers in the trade team, myself and Kelly Calver. We each look after a portfolio of accounts rather than geographical areas so I could be anywhere from Dover to Blackpool. We are overseen by a head of sales and supported by an office-based agency sales executive. We’re all focused, work quickly and help each other out. You can do big things with a small team.


What do you keep in the back seat?
My car is full of brochures, pop-up banners and merchandise for events and agent visits. You’ll also find the odd colouring pen and toy, or parts of one, from a Kinder Surprise which have at some point entertained my five-year-old on a journey.


And what’s on the radio?
You can’t beat a bit of Kisstory or old-school garage and anthems turned up to the max. I’m also a great lover of Ed Sheeran and Castle on the Hill is one of my favourite tracks, especially if I’m feeling homesick.


What snack keeps you going on the road?
I don’t often find myself at services as I like to get from A to B as quickly as possible and ideally without stopping; however, on longer journeys only a Burger King will do.


What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done in the name of the job?
Once during a conference I entered a “Sales’ Got Talent” contest as part of an act called Plan V. We had a choreographer put together a dance routine to We Will Rock You and ended up winning. I still see the video doing the rounds each year on Facebook.


Who would be your ideal driving companion on a long journey?
My son Zachary. My job can often involve overnight stays if I’m attending a conference or hosting a fam trip so I appreciate family time. We have fun and he’s very good on journeys – I rarely hear: “Are we there yet?”


What’s your favourite alcoholic drink?
It depends on the weather, where I am and who I’m with. I don’t like wine so if I’m out at events it will be a vodka and Diet Coke.


What’s the best question a travel agent has ever asked you?
An agent asked if I could assist with a complaint. Their client had just returned from a tour in China and said the included meals were too Chinese.


What’s the most lost you have ever got?
When I collected my company car the previous owner had set the sat nav to avoid toll roads – not great when you live close to the Dartford Crossing. After one too many unnecessarily long journeys I worked it out.


What is your favourite destination that your company sells?
I love the US; it’s endlessly fascinating. Earlier this year I was lucky enough to host a fam trip to New York and this quickly became my favourite city. I loved its buzzing atmosphere and the ease of getting around.


What key messages do you try to convey in an agent visit?
I always cover our USPs – it’s always key to know what makes someone different. I’ll also make sure they’re up-to-date with any current deals. We have fantastic brands and offerings and hopefully my passion for the product leaves agents excited.


What’s your advice for agents who don’t sell your product but are keen?
Get in touch. We are a trade-friendly supplier and are keen to understand how we can best support you and help generate sales.


Get in touch: email Anna on

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