TTG’s #SaveTravelJobs campaign has achieved more than 1,000 signatures, just days after being launched.
The campaign features a letter to prime minister Boris Johnson and chancellor Rishi Sunak demanding greater financial support for the industry, including an extension to the furlough scheme which is currently due to end on September 30.
More than 1,200 readers have already signed the letter, joining the likes of shadow transport secretary Jim McMahon as well as Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey who have both publicly stated their support for TTG’s #SaveTravelJobs campaign.
In a dedicated video McMahon tells TTG readers: “If we don’t save travel jobs that means our regions, our households and our economy ultimately will be much worse off.”
He called for “far more support” for travel firms, which he said had been “absolutely devastated” over the past 18 months by inbound and outbound restrictions.
Meanwhile, Davey responded to a letter from his constituent TTG Media CEO Daniel Pearce, where he stressed: “On the issue you have raised, I am clear these measures need to be accompanied by a sector-specific package of support for the travel and aviation industry, with clear environmental conditions attached.”
On Thursday (12 August), travel industry members took part in TTG’s latest Twitterstorm - posting the same tweet simultaneously at 11am - to keep up pressure on Johnson and Sunak and reiterate the campaign’s focuses.
The message read: "Furlough ends next month and for 1000s of people it will mean the end of their jobs in travel firms across the UK. Your lack of dedicated financial support for this sector @borisjohnson @rishisunak has been shameful. Now is the time to deliver vital help and #SaveTravelJobs."
Aaaaand here they come! Fantastic to see Twitter flooded once again with the latest travel Twitterstorm - the louder we shout, the harder to ignore! #SaveTravelJobs @BorisJohnson @RishiSunak
— Sophie Griffiths (@TTGTravelQueen) August 12, 2021
Sophie Griffiths, editor of TTG said: “Almost a year to the day that we first launched #SaveTravel, it is shameful that we are having to urge government – once again – to step up and support the UK travel industry.
“A huge thank you to each and every one of our readers who have signed our latest campaign. It is fantastic we have seen travel restarting this summer, but the government’s shambolic approach to the traffic light scheme has hammered consumer confidence, which remains at an all time low.
“Many business leaders are already experiencing sleepless nights as September and the end of furlough approaches, and are already expressing fears as to how long their businesses can survive. The lack of government understanding and support for this industry is disgraceful and we believe enough is enough.”
The letter to Johnson and Sunak has three key demands and echoes the latest call for support from by the Abta-led Save Future Travel Coalition.
It comes as financial experts warn the travel industry is on “the edge of a storm”, with fears that hundreds of businesses – and thousands of jobs – could be lost as creditors start to call in debts, as the furlough scheme end and as the next Atol deadline looms.
TTG has also created #SaveTravelJobs social media assets for agents to show their support which can be accessed here.
Read the letter in full here.
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