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Two Blue Bay Travel PTCs celebrate £1 million 2024 sales milestone

Two Personal Travel Consultants in partnership with Blue Bay Travel have topped £1 million sales this year.


Lynne Walton became the first PTC to hit £1 million, achieving the milestone in April, followed closely by Nicola Szymanowski in May.


Lynne’s achievement stands out as she has reached this milestone through her own database of leads. What’s more, she managed to match last year’s annual sales total within the first four months of this year.


Lynne and fellow PTC, Nicola Szymanowski, share a similar work ethic so when Lynne explained she was delivering more leads than she could convert, they decided to join forces. Although Nicola’s strategy is different from Lynne’s, utilising more of Blue Bay Travel customer leads to generate her sales, she achieved her £1 million milestone, hot on the heels of Lynne’s, in May.


Abbie Heaton, Group Manager for The Personal Travel Consultants in Partnership with Blue Bay Travel, says: “We’re thrilled to celebrate Lynne and Nicola reaching £1 million in sales so early into the year.  We wouldn’t normally expect to see the £1 million milestone being exceeded by any of our PTCs until much later in the year so achieving this only 4-5 months in, is exceptional.  They are a bit of a dynamic duo, having found a brilliant way to marry their skill sets to achieve maximum success and it’s paying off in spades.”


When asked how they achieved these lofty sales figures Lynne said: “Our adaptability in offering both ready-made and custom travel packages is unrivalled. Whatever our customers need, we can deliver with exceptional service and rapid response times. This is possible thanks to our trusted suppliers.”


Nicola concludes, “We both have a strong work ethic and will go above and beyond for our clients.  This approach has earned us both consistently positive reviews and a loyal customer base that returns year after year. Fundamentally, we provide our customers with compelling reasons to choose us again and again.”

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