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Tenerife Luxury Forum

Tuesday 27 - Wednesday 28 July | 09:30-13:15


The first-ever Tenerife Luxury Forum takes place on Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 July (09:30-13:15).


To offer luxury agents flexibility, you can select to attend EITHER of the days. We will endeavour to facilitate your preferred option wherever possible, but would also ask for your flexibility if your preferred day fills up quickly.


Whichever day you select, you will have 12 pre-assigned, one-to-one virtual meetings, where you can discuss the destination with partners tuning in to represent Tenerife.


Programme for 27-28 July
09:30-09:55 Welcome from April Hutchinson, editor, TTG Luxury, followed by an update from Tenerife Tourism Corporation
09:55-11:25 Take part in six 15-minute one-to-one meetings
11:25-11:40 Break
11:40-13:10 Take part in six 15-minute one-to-one meetings
13:10-13:15 Closing remarks




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