Managing director Maura Fahy and the Fahy Travel team have grand plans in place to complement their newly upgraded store. The agency’s large HD TVs now display live footage from ships, suppliers will soon be sponsoring iPads for customers to browse on and there are even whispers of virtual reality headsets.
This forward thinking demonstrates just how dedicated the Fahy Travel team is to giving their customers the best experience possible from the moment they walk in the door. Children accompanying parents aren’t left out either – they can colour, dress up and play board games in the agency’s chic waiting area.
The spacious store also allows the team to host monthly themed travel clinics for clients and charity events such as a coffee morning for homelessness charity Galway Simon Community, which raised €585 for the cause. As well as this and sponsoring countless local charities, festivals and clubs, the agency has implemented a sustainability policy to be mindful of environmental impact too.
It goes without saying that this caring culture is applied to Fahy Travel’s approach to customer service. Top clients have a 24-hour phone line to call in emergencies and are gifted hampers and dinner vouchers at Christmas. Honeymooners receive thoughtfully engraved tea-light holders, and since Weddings at Sea (the agency’s weddings arm of the business) took off with a website last year, cruise shop manager Caroline has accompanied a nervous bride to Naples for her upcoming nuptials.
Despite a strong repeat customer base, Fahy Travel strives to attract new clients, and organised its second Travel Expo Holiday and Honeymoon show in September last year, attended by 40 suppliers plus 700 existing and potential clients.
The team has even begun to work with social media influencers to help get the word out about their Cruise Worldwide brand, sending Lisa McGowan of Lisa’s Lust List on cruise ship Celebrity Edge to endorse the experience.
With new tech on the horizon, admirable customer service and a wholesome attitude to travel, Fahy Travel’s future looks bright.
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