In 1896, HX (Hurtigruten Expeditions), set out on a journey of exploration from its homeland in Norway. Driven by a passion to discover what lies beyond the horizon, they sailed in the wake of the pioneering seafarers who were redrawing the world’s boundaries. Today, HX is the leading expedition cruise company, taking guests to over 250 destinations in more than 30 countries worldwide. With onboard lectures and science centres, HX is committed to ensuring guests return home with a deep understanding and love of the places they explore. HX is on a mission to be the world’s most sustainable expedition company. They led the industry by being the first to ban heavy fuel oil and single-use plastics. In 2019, HX unveiled the world’s first battery hybrid-powered cruise ship.
If you would like to increase your brand awareness and connect with travel agents based in the UK & Ireland, contact us today to find out more about the range of sponsorship opportunities available.
Email Emma Dixon at or call on +44 (0)203 714 4123.
For any other queries about the event, please contact Sarah Lewington at