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Newmarket Holidays unwraps Lapland tours for Christmas 2025

Newmarket Holidays has begun next year’s Christmas countdown already with the launch of Lapland Santa experiences for December 2025. 


For extra sparkle, the escorted tours specialist has sprinkled a 10% saving on all Lapland 2025 breaks booked before 9 December 2024, with prices starting from £625 per child and £675 per adult before the discount is applied. 


The early launch of the Lapland Santa Experiences allows travel agents to secure their customers’ preferred dates for the festive favourites now, which are a popular product for early sales every season. 


The 2025 Lapland Day Trip includes return flights from 12 regional airports across the UK, with a privately chartered plane flying families north of the Arctic Circle to Pajala in Swedish Lapland. 


Guests enjoy exclusive access to the snow-covered resort and a day of wintry activities that include husky and reindeer sleigh rides, snowmobile adventures through the Arctic wilderness and a private meeting with Santa in his log cabin home.


Temperatures in the snow-covered setting are well below zero, so thermal clothing and a traditional lunch with hot drinks are included in the package. 


Hayley Morris, Head of Trade and Partnerships at Newmarket Holidays, says: "This once-in-a-lifetime tour provides a truly exclusive and magical experience with enchanting activities and an unforgettable setting that provides the perfect festive getaway for families and friends.


"Given the strong demand we see for Lapland every year, this early launch presents travel agents with a great opportunity to wrap up the preferred dates, most convenient airport and the very best prices for their customers.”

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