The Canary Islands Tourist Board has launched a "Skip this Season" campaign, encouraging extended stays for tourists over 55 during the winter season.
With its average winter temperature of 20ºC, the Canary Islands beckons for travellers over 55. These seasoned tourists, known for their flexibility and inclination to travel off season, are enticed by the Islands’ pleasant climate, secure environment, diverse activities, comprehensive accommodation options, robust healthcare facilities, and excellent connectivity with the rest of Europe.
The distinctive characteristic of the "silver tourists" aged 55 and above is their discerning nature when choosing a destination. With ample time to plan extended stays, they seek to immerse themselves in nature, relish local cuisine, and appreciate cultural experiences.
Presently, the European population over 55 amounts to 152.5 million, representing 33.14% of the total 446.7 million inhabitants. According to data from P&G, this demographic controls up to 70% of the wealth in their respective countries and influences over half of the consumer spending.
Among European nations, Germany and the United Kingdom serve as the primary countries of origin for Long-stay Silver tourists in the Canary Islands. Their visitor rates to the archipelago stand at 23.4% and 19.9% Notably, 66% of Long-stay Silver tourists visiting the Canary Islands travel as couples, with 91% being repeat visitors.
The Canary Islands Tourist Board has initiated the "Skip this Season" campaign, encouraging extended stays for tourists over 55 during the winter season. Residents of regions with harsh European winters can opt to "skip" a season by experiencing the Canarian winter instead, benefiting from the archipelago’s superior climate and maximizing their stay.
Communication will emphasize a meteorological comparison between the home country and the Canary Islands. Targeted individuals will receive predictive messages detailing the most undesirable weather conditions anticipated in their respective regions during winter, such as rainy days, darkness, or low temperatures, contrasted with the anticipated weather in the Canary Islands.
For further information on the Canary Islands visit the Hellocanaryislands website.
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